Monday, November 21


aeruginous | eruginous
adj. - Of the nature or colour of verdigris; containing or characterized by basic copper carbonate; bluish-green. Also: ferruginous, rusty.

n. - The passage or space between a bed and the wall; (hence also) the side or part of a bed next to the wall.--This space, or the area around the bed generally, where a distinguished person received favoured guests while in bed, esp. where (in 17th and 18th cent. France) a lady of fashion held morning receptions.


adj. - Relating to or designating the Socratic process, or other similar method, of assisting a person to become fully conscious of ideas previously latent in the mind.

n. - The action of listening or hearkening.--Med. The action of listening, with ear or stethoscope, to the sound of the movement of heart, lungs, or other organs, in order to judge their condition of health or disease.


n. - The middle part of a liquid that has thrown its sediment. Obs.--The act of taking away, removal.

v. - Logic. To deny, contradict, disaffirm: opposed to posit.

n. - The pineal gland of the brain (held by Descartes to be the seat of the soul).
ety. modern Latin < Greek κωνάριον , diminutive of κῶνος pine-cone.

n. - The outer covering of a bed, generally more or less ornamental, being woven in a raised pattern, quilted, made of patch-work, etc.; a coverlet, a quilt.


n. - Physiol. The blind-gut; the first part of the large intestine, so called because it is prolonged behind the opening of the ilium into a cul-de-sac. It is present in man, most mammals and birds, and in many reptiles. With pl. cæca: Any blind tube, or tube with one end closed.


n. - A cry or wail; spec. that of a new-born child.

naevus | nevus
n. - Med. Any congenital, usually pigmented, flat or raised lesion on the skin, consisting of a local proliferation of melanocytes or blood vessels; a mole or birthmark.


n. - Lack of strength, diminution of vital power, weakness, debility

n. - nonce-wd. Deficiency or desire, considered as something quantifiable.


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