Monday, February 7


Etymology: Hebrew ūrīm, plural intens., referred to ōr ‘light’, plural ōrīm, and by some taken as = lights, ϕωτισμοί ‘illuminations’;
Urim and Thummim (once
Thummim and Urim), occurring five times in the O.T. In the earlier English versions rendered after the Vulgate doctrina et veritas (from the LXX δήλωσις καὶ ἀλήθεια), whence Wyclif ‘doctryne [l.v. techyng] and trewthe’; Coverdale has ‘light and perfectnesse’, following Luther's licht und recht, but in the ‘Great’ Bible of 1539 and in later versions the words are left untranslated.


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