Wednesday, September 21

lyke a Pellycane of the wilderness

For my dayes are consumed awaye lyke smoke, and my bones are brent up, as it were with a fyre brande. My hert is smitten downe and withered lyke grasse, so that I forget to eat my bred. For the voice of my gronynge, my bones wyll scarse cleve to my flesh. I am become lyke a Pellycane of the wilderness, and lyke an owl that is in the deserte.

Psalms 102, trans. Coverdale

Sunday, September 11


When I asked how this tied into his making pornographic paintings, Currin talked about low birth rates in Europe, and people having sex without having babies, and pornography as a kind of elegy to liberal culture, at which point I lost the thread. “I know how right wing this sounds,” I recall him saying, “but I was thinking how pornography could be a superstitious offering to the gods of a dying race.”

Calvin Tomkins, "Profiles: Lifting the Veil"

Monday, September 5

Especially in this town

Especially in this town. Everybody needs love. House love. Dishes love. Moth-on-the-screendoor love, spot-on-the-wall love. That's god's hand. Known as the persistence of vision, the eyes' ability to perceive a series of still images as continuous motion.

C.D. Wright, Deepstep Come Shining

Saturday, September 3

the sun can do this to us

That the sun can do this to us, every one of us
that the sun can do this to everything inside
the broken light refracted through leaves.

Peter Gizzi, "Vincent, Homesick for the Land of Pictures"